Make Phishing Obvious
No More Guessing, No More Mistakes
Confirm4Me takes the guesswork out of phishing, saves your team time, and optimizes your email security operation.
Get StartedEmail Risk Advisor
Alerts employees to phishing attacks right next to the email they are reading.
Learn MoreInbox Risk Scanner
Automatically reports and quarantines inbox risk with over 70% of analysis completed.
Learn MoreQuarantine Placeholder & Feedback
Quarantine email placeholder providing employee context and feedback capability.
Learn More
Employee Phishing Attacks
The Problem That Hasn’t Been Solved
Despite current phishing solutions solving parts of the phishing problem, the problem is not solved and here is why:
Employees Still Fall Victim
Despite having email gateways and employee training, over 20% of employees still fall victim to phishing attacks.
Inbox Phishing Risk Blind Spots
Security teams rely on employees to report phishing, with no effective way for them to be alerted to all inbox risks.
Quarantine Employee Frustration
Employees have no visibility into quarantined emails, therefore cannot provide security teams real-time feedback to release them.

Email Risk Advisor
We Make Phishing Obvious For Employees
Inbox Side Panel
Our patented side panel tool sits safely outside of the email message and is completely spoof-proof, empowering and equipping employees to make the right decision 100% of the time.
Phishing Tactics Analysis
Alerts highlight sophisticated phishing tactics like typosquatting (look-a-like domains), display name impersonation, dangerous attachments, malicious links, compromised accounts, and more.
Stoplight Guidance
Red, yellow and green traffic signal making email risk obvious so employees don’t make mistakes.
Risk Context
Provides employees context and nuance into why each email may be a risk, helping them make better real-time decisions.
“What to Do Next”
Delivers actionable guidance to employees so they know what to do based on the risk level of each email.
Quarantine Context & Feedback
Provides context into quarantined emails as well as a way for employee to provide their security team context into why they think the email should be released.
No more guessing
No More Mistakes
Let Confirm4Me help strengthen your human firewall and lower your phishing risk.

Inbox Risk Scanner
Proactively Remove Phishing Risk
Automated Reporting
Don’t solely depend on employees to report phishing. We auto-report ALL malicious emails to your security team so they can remove as well as search and destroy across all of their tenants.
Reduces Analysis Time by 70%
We do 70% of the analysis work so your team can spend their time more efficiently and effectively.
Auto-Quarantine (& Feedback)
Our customizable rules allow you to auto-quarantine the inbox risk we identify and we also provide employees a way to give your feedback to help your decision to release.
Minimal false positives
Our machine learning technology removes false positives to make sure your team is focusing on the real risks.
Reduces Analysis Time by 70%
- Manage individual customers
- Global view to all risks
- Features per client options
API First
You don’t want another portal to login to, so we get our data where you already are including ticketing, SIM’s, GRC’s, and more.
Optimize Your
Security Team
Let Confirm4Me empower your security team to be more proactive and 70% more efficient.

Quarantine Feedback
Get Employee Context, Release Quicker
Quarantine Replacement Emails
When an email is quarantined, we send employees a proxy email with a defanged image of the original email.
Phishing Risk Context
We provide employees full context into why the email appears to be a phishing attack in the Email Risk Advisor side panel
Employee Feedback to Security Team
Employees can use the Email Risk Advisor side panel to send the security team direct messages into whey they think the email is safe or not.
60% Faster Decision Making
With employee context, security teams can determine whether to release emails 60% faster.
Reduced Employee Frustration
Giving employees the ability to help release quarantined emails enables them they keep business moving at the pace they need.
CrowdSurfing Phishing Risk
By taking away the barrier between employees and security teams, you can optimize your overall email security operation.
Employee Informed
Risk Analysis
Let Conifrm4Me reduce your phishing quarantine & release process by 60%.

how is confirm4me different?
How It Works
Confirm4Me was designed to be a lightweight last line of defense beyond email gateways and employee training.
Get StartedNot An Email Gateway
Confirm4Me is not an email gateway. Email gateways still allow malicious emails into employee inboxes, and this is where Confirm4Me is focused.
Not Employee Training
Despite regular employee training, 20% of employees still fall for advanced phishing tactics. Confirm4Me solves this remaining 20% of risk.
Plug-In, Not in Email Flow
Confirm4Me is a plug-in and not in the email flow. Therefore we cannot disrupt your clients email system and productivity.
Fast & Easy Deployment
Deployment time is under 5 minutes per customer so they can see the value immediately.
Deploy Narrow or Wide
Confirm4Me can be deployed for specific employees, employee groups or companywide.
Custom Rules
Our partners can implement custom rules throughout Confirm4Me providing total flexibility.
Desktop, Cloud & Mobile
Confirm4Me works on all devices to meet employees where they are to keep them secure.
Private-Label Us
All Confirm4Me features can be private-labeled with your brand making this service seamless with your offerings.
Managed Security Design
Confirm4Me multi-tenant platform was designed by MSSP’s for MSSP’s so you can manage all of your clients effectively.
API First
We provide our functionality where you already are so you don’t have to login to another portal.
Confirm4Me for MSSP’s
We Make MSSP’s More Efficient & Effective
Confirm4Me was designed specifically for MSSP’s and Email Security teams to make their clients more secure and optimize their operations.
Email Gateway
12% of phishing emails slip through your gateway
Employee Inboxes
100% of these emails are available to click
Employee Training
Even with training, 20% can’t identify tactics and fall victim
Phish Reporting
In addition, 15% who do identify phishing don’t report
Your Security Team
Your team is 35% blind to risk, with 0% proactive capability
1 Hour 37 Minutes
To Report Phishing Emails
Of Employee Time to Identify and Interact
Of Security Time to Identify and Interact
Note: These times are based on responding to advanced phishing tactics.
Email Gateway
We are not a gateway, we supplement existing tools
Proactive Security
Auto-quarantine phishing emails with customizable rules
Empower Employees
Make 99% of phishing risks obvious to employees
Respond Faster
Enable a 75% faster response to inbox phishing threats
Improve Results
Decrease risk to 1% and raise proactive capability to 99%
39 Minutes
To Report Phishing Emails
Of Employee Time to Identify and Interact
Of Security Time to Identify and Interact
Note: We do not replace existing training or reporting tools. We augment to ensure mistakes and misses are minimized.

Confirm4Me for MSSP’s
Save Your Team Time
MINUTESThe average time a phishing email sits in a user’s inbox.
MINUTESFor employees to identify and report a phishing email.
MINUTESFor a security team (or MSSP) to analyze
reported email. -
MINUTESInteraction between employee and security team to relay context.
MINUTESRemediation actions and follow up analysis.
It Adds Up.
It takes an average security team 1 hour and 37 minutes to take action against phishing.
MINUTESAuto-quarantine malicious emails with 100%
customizable rules. -
MINUTESWith auto-reporting, you’re no longer dependent on employee reports.
MINUTES75% of the analysis has been pre-completed once
auto-reported. -
MINUTESContext is already provided with Email Risk Advisor panel, limiting back-and-forth.
MINUTESRemediation and follow up actions are shortened via automation and context.
Time Savings
Confirm4Me cuts the process to 19 minutes, providing 80% faster phishing coverage!
Next Generation
Phishing Defense
Find out how we can help you provide a new tool to secure your clients and optimize your team.
Super-Charge Your Business.
Contact us today to expand your security offering, meet market demand and secure our world.
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